Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Anne Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch Explains the Refugee Racket and Syrian Refugee Push by the State Dept.

The State Dept. is engaged in a big propaganda push to import  65,000 Syrian 'refugees' by the end of 2016!  It's crazy, it's insane, but the push is on.  The State Dept. has actually financed a propanganda division called "Welcoming America"  to whitewash the refugee program and censor its critics.

Anne Corcoran at Refugee Resettlement Watch has an excellent 4 minute video explaining what the State Dept PRM wants to do, and why it is important that we stop them.  Check it out!


Monday, June 22, 2015

Want to ask the State Dept. PRM Bureau about the Refugee Racket?

It's interesting that Anne Richard, UnderSecretary at the State Dept. doesn't want to talk about the dirty secrets of the Refugee Racket.  Maybe you can have better luck.

Here's the email and phone # for Anne Richard's PR guy.  Give him a caill or send an email and ask questions.  After all, you pay for the refugee racket.

Public Affairs Advisor Dan Langenkamp, State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, at langenkampdb@state.gov, PRMpress@state.gov or (202) 453-9339.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Energized for 2015, Is the State Dept. PRM Ready?

Establishing a 2015 plan to expose the refugee and asylum racket.  I'm back after taking care of business.  This year both the House and Senate Immigration Committees will be in 'conservative' hands.  Soon I will have the list of members and their addresses and phone numbers published here.  What's more my small group is optimistic to get inside scoops this year about what is going on inside the refugeeracket, a multibillion dollar enterprise.  Cui buono?  Who benefits?  and who loses.

It has been three days since the jihad razzia against Charlie Hebdo.  Do your part, learn the truth about Islam and help me save the Muslims from their chains.